Elementary School Service Activities

  • Friday, June 02, 2023
  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • See Email


  • ACTIVITY COMPLETED - THANK YOU! Planning an engaging afternoon with 15-20 girls in the 4th and 5th grade. We will plan physical activities including teaching double dutch and discussing healthy ways to manage their stress and emotions. Wednesday, May 24th
  • Reading is Fundamental! We will participating in the school's weekly Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) activity where each soror will read one book to a kindergarten or first grade class.

    Friday, June 2, 2023 3:00pm-4:00pm

Registration is closed

Let's do it for the kids.

We have been meeting with chapter sorors who are principals and administrators in our Wilmington area schools who have told us that our children suffered many setbacks in their learning and development during the Covid-19 pandemic. They have identified two activities where we can lend a hand to support and uplift the young scholars.

Please feel free to participate in one or both of the activities below, by selecting the Register button above.

NOTE:  To participate in these activities you must be risk management certified.

William C. Lewis Elementary School

  • Activity Type:  Classroom Reading (grades K & 1st)
  • Date:  Friday, June 2nd
  • Time:  3:00pm-4:00pm
  • Location:  920 North Van Bren Street, Wilmington, DE 19806

Thank you~


COMPLETED: Thomas Edison Charter School - THANK YOU!

Wilmington (DE) Alumnae Chapter 
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
Post Office Box 11723  Wilmington, DE 19850-1723
Email: wilmington_alumnae@dstwilmingtonde.org

This website is the sole property and responsibility of the Wilmington (DE) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.

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